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5 Benefits of Growth Driven Design


Growth driven design offers a variety of benefits over traditional web design. Not only is it a more fluid approach to web designing, but it also helps reduce the amount of risk that small and mid-sized businesses undertake in the process. Here is a look at the five ways growth driven design can help you:

Unlimited Wishlist - In traditional web design, you only get one shot to get it all right. As a result, you have to know exactly what your goals are up front, and they all take equal priority in getting done. Growth driven design allows you to set up a list of features that you would like to have, prioritize them based on which ones you want to go live first, and re-assess that list throughout the process to rearrange your priorities as needed, even adding new features along the way.

Launch Time - A big problem with traditional web design is the time it takes to build a site before it goes live. Growth driven design actually trims the timeline down so that your site can be online in just a few weeks. This is important because having your site online is the only way to gather data and analyze what is and is not working before you can begin working on phase two of your design.

Ease of Use - One of the biggest hurdles that companies face with their web designs is the funnel flow. Again, having your site online and functioning is the only way to determine whether or not your visitors are getting stuck before they can make a purchase or sign up for a consultation. By analyzing the time users spend on a particular page and other data, it is possible to streamline your page and enhance the user experience to drive people toward your goal. Honing In - Once your site has been online for a few months, you will have gathered a bit of data. You may have also made a handful of changes and tested a few methods for improving your response rate from visitors. The beauty of growth driven design is that once you have compared a few different tactics, you have the opportunity to double down on the ones that really work and maximize your profits.

Cost Friendliness - The final benefit that growth driven design has to offer is the ability to spread the cost of web design over several months or even years. Instead of planning on a $15,000 investment in a one-time site with no proven results, growth driven design allows you to build a site with small payments and continually improve on your results. This makes high-end websites available to companies who don't have a large budget, and ensures the success of the website, so the investment is never lost on a bad design. These are just five of the ways that growth driven design has made a huge difference in the way websites are built. By focusing on expansion and real metrics instead of guessing what will be trendy for the next 3-5 years, these dynamic sites achieve greater results at a fraction of the cost and risk. To learn more about how Growth Driven Design can change the way your customers experience your company online, visit us online today!


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